The town of Owlstead has been plagued by a string of gruesome murders for a few months now, and no one knows who could possibly be behind them. Calico and her group of friends find out the hard way. Two clowns at a local circus- Paradise and Smiley- work by night as hired assassins, following the fatal whims of whoever is vile enough to pay for their services. Someone, somewhere, has hired them to kill Calico and her friends. Now, they all must find out who hired the clowns and how to stop them before they are the next victims.


Calico Buckley, an 18 year old freelance painter who loves her friends, her girlfriend, and being a silly little goofster. They/she.

Dawn Kama, an 18 year old barista who collects scythes. Really big into alt subcultures. Loves cooking & true crime. She/her.

Cadet Atwood, a 6 year old who loves paper planes and stuffed animals. Lives with Calico and Dawn. Hates clowns. They/them.

Cupid Els, a 19 year old botanist. Incredibly shy, but talking about plants brings her out of her shell. Adores folk music. She/her.

Petunia Angel, a 19 year old fashion model. Incredibly ditzy, but always has the best intentions in mind. Acrylic nail enthusiast. She/her.